General Introduction, History, How to join, How to withdrawl, Change your registered info.

What is JRAF?

Japan Radio Astronomy Forum is a forum for radio astronomers and people who are interested in radio astronomy in Japan. The official name is "Uchuu Denpa Kondankai" in Japanese, and often called "Udenkon". We welcome to join anyone who are interested in our activity. We give no limit for member's nationarity, gender, affilation, or age.


We have several activities as follows; A part of the mail list of "Call for proposal" by Nobeyama Radio Observatory is based upon the member list of JRAF.

How to join

If you want to join JRAF, please let the secretariat know the following informations of your own. To avoid any mistake you must submit it through e-mail, telefax, or postal mail.
  1. your name
  2. postal address
  3. affilation for our member list (Blank is accepted.)
  4. e-mail address (Blank is accepted.)
  5. requirement to join "ryunet"
In 2008 no member fee nor entry fee is accepted.

After completion of your join we will let you know through e-mail or postal mail.

How to withdrawl

If you want to withdrawl, please let the secretariat know the following items of your own. To avoid any mistake you must submit not only your name but all the following items and through e-mail, telefax, or postal mail.
  1. your entried name
  2. postal address
  3. e-mail address (if you are in ryunet)
After completion of your withdrawl we will let you know through e-mail or postal mail.

How to change your registered information

If you move and/or change your e-mail address, please let the secretariat know the following items of your own. To avoid any mistake you must submit both old and new data for all the following items and submit them through e-mail, telefax, or postal mail.
  1. your entried name
  2. postal address
  3. affilation for our member list (Blank is accepted.)
  4. e-mail address (if you are in ryunet)
  5. requirement to join "ryunet"
After completion to revise your withdrawl we will let you know through e-mail or postal mail.

Brief history of JRAF

JRAF started in 1970 to make the next generation large radio telescope in Japan by many people in Japan. The project is fixed as the Nobeyama 45-m radio telescope and Nobeyama Millimeter Array.

After completion of the project JRAF activities are continued for exchange informations on radio astronomy, discussion on operation of NRO, next big project in radio astronomy such as ALMA, and many others.

JRAF and Dr.Tatsuji Kato